At ECC we hold 3 different services every single Sunday. Each service caters to a different language.
These are broken down into…

We welcome you to join us in for our online events and services.
You can click the following button to join in.
Sunday Service.
English - 10:30am
Our English service was birthed in 2012 to impact the younger generation in the heart of London. We are blessed to have many young families, working adults and students of all ages joining us in worship every Sunday.
Cantonese - 12:30pm
Our Cantonese service remains the heart of the church mission, serving the Cantonese speaking community in London and beyond. We are blessed with many families from different nations worshiping God together in unity and in Spirit.
Mandarin - 2:30pm
Our Mandarin service was initiated to provide a place of worship and fellowship for Mandarin speaking community, especially from China, studying, working and living in London.
We invite and welcome anyone to join us in whichever service suits you best.
Walk In Center.
Tuesday – Thursday 11:00am - 3:30pm
Monthly Prayer Meeting
Friday Power House Meeting 7.00pm
Emmanuel City Church
Centenary Hall
Cottington Street
SE11 4RZ